Re: [NTLK] My Newt came.. with a surprise

From: James Mackey (
Date: Fri May 31 2002 - 19:24:11 EDT


I would assume the course of action depends on exactly what the information
contains. If it has patient names, then under the HIPAA laws, the government
could slap Merck with a big fine. You make it sound like there is something
very juicy on there. You must decide whether you want a multibillion dollar
drug company hunting you down (did you see the movie "The Insider"?), or you
can pretend it never happened.


>From: Jim Witte >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: [NTLK] My Newt came.. with a surprise
>Date: Fri, 31 May 2002 17:53:46 -0500 >>>Well, I don't have to worry about
filing charges against >PhillyDiscounters, because my new UMP2K came today.
Completely >pristine, with only a couple of scratches I added opening it up
putting >the Ser-001 in (those !#@$ tabs!) >>I also found a surprise: the
Newt was apparently used last by Astra >Merck with a custom app on it for
tracking drug testing - with data >STILL ON IT! I just cannot believe that
they didn't wipe the data off >(actually I can - after seeing the
investigative report on the local >news last week about hard drives in
computers given to charity that >hadn't been wiped of all sorts of sensitive
data.) I couldn't find any >time-stamps on the data (at least without using
ViewFrame), but the app >says 1997. >>Now my question is: should I just get
rid of this and stay quiet, or >should I tell phillydiscounters that he
should wipe the newts he has >left before he sells them, or perhaps tell
someone in the government? (I >can smell a class-action suit against Merck
here) >>Jim >>>-- >Read the List FAQ/Etiquette: >Read the Newton FAQ: >This is the NewtonTalk
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