Well, of course, I use linear flash cards. I got in on
a deal a while ago and purchased a few 4mb cards. This
coupled with a 6mb and my 32mb card I have backups
You can backup to a card that has packages on it as
long as there is enough space on the card for the
backup. When you insert the card, it will pop up an
insert slip and just tap the button "Backup". Then
when you insert the card in your new Newt, tap the
button "Restore". If you tap the "Erase" button, you
will be given a choice if you want to erase just the
backup or the entire card.
I don't have any spare cards, but perhaps someone else
on this list has one they can sell you...
web/gadget guru
http://newton.tek-ed.com (download Newton packages)
http://npds.tek-ed.com (my NPDS server and it's new
--- Jon Kinney <madsk8er_at_mac.com> wrote:
> That sounds good but what type of card do you
> use...and how expensive? I
> don't have any linear flash...I have a 32 mb ATA and
> I use the demo ATA
> driver...and another thing...how do you back up your
> newt's RAM on a card
> with installed packages etc on it? Thanks,
> Jon
> On 11/6/02 1:00 PM, "Ed Kummel" <tech_ed_at_yahoo.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > Yes, you can perform a restore from one Newton's
> > backup onto another Newton.
> > Might I suggest that you use a RAM card though?
> This
> > will make the entire process immensly more
> reliable! I
> > don't back to my desktop any more. I always use
> cards.
> > I keep them all over the place at home and
> work...I'm
> > always sure that I have no later than a single
> day's
> > away from a backup...and I don't have to worry
> about
> > connectivity.
Why is that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life
in the universe are pointed away from Earth?
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