>From: "Keith E. McComb" <kinsfire_at_kinsfire.net>
>Date: Thu, 07 Nov 2002 19:13:47 -0500
>11/7/2002 6:50:43 PM, Rhonda Hyslop <0x7ff00025_at_paradox.homeip.net> wrote:
> >In a shoulder holster.
>> It sometimes freaks people out when I whip my
> >newton out from under my left arm -
*snigger* I tend to wear a long black leathercoat this time of year,
so maybe I should refrain, but...
>Do you have any plans...what's the word...patterns for that shoulder
>holster? I'd love to make one. It's be easier to carry than the
>belt clip one I've got.
=2E..I'm interested as well.
This could save me from carrying a bag at all on some days, as I
usually keep my Newt in a C.E.O. wrap which demands another bag.
Oliver :)
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