Re: [NTLK] Here's what I wanna do...(e-mail questions)

From: Ed Kummel (
Date: Mon Nov 11 2002 - 13:46:37 EST

OK, so you got your ethernet card to work. The next
step is to determine how your work IT department
assigns IPs. If it's static, you will need to get a
second IP for the Newt. (good luck on that) If it's
dynamic, just set the Newt for DHCP and you're done.
When you write a note on the Newt, select the routing
slip and choose mail (you do have SimpleMail
installed, dont' you?) select the email address and
send now. Your Newt should then make an ethernet
connection (and if it's DHCP, it should grab an IP)
then it sends the mail! Simple!
web/gadget guru (download Newton packages) (my NPDS server and it's new

--- wrote:
> Thanks to everyone who's responded to my previous
> questions. I'm not replying individually at this
> point because my AOL account seems to be blocking a
> lot of this list's messages. Sigh.
> My Newton 2000 is up and working, and with the help
> of the list archive, got the ethernet card to work
> beautifully. What I'd like to do is to write
> e-mails on the notepad, then send 'em with the
> ethernet connection @ my work.
> How do I go about this? I have an AOL account, but
> I suspect this will not work as Aloha uses dialup
> numbers.
> I know---this is a BASIC question---but any favorite
> mail programs that will utilize ethernet would be
> much appreciated.
> J.

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