Hello everyone!
After selling my Newton on here a while back, I've been allowed back into
the beautiful world of the Newt through the permanant loan of a 2100 for
an attempt to port Squeak Smalltalk (http://www.squeak.org) to the Newton
One of the things I've wanted in my use of a Newton is a streamlined means
to print (printing via IrDA is dog slow) and convert my Notes to HTML for
the web [1]. NCU can already convert to RTF, so there's at least a bit of
a chance the code for doing it exists within the Newton now. The other
possibility is that NCU generates the RTFs itself. Does anyone know how
to convert a note or works document to an RTF on the Newton itself?
The other possibility for gaining a way to do printing or putting notes on
the web is that the Newton itself can generate PostScript for printing to
a PS printer. Does anyone know how to trigger this, getting the
PostScript version of a Note or Works doc programatically?
My vision is that I could write a little app that uses the NIE to upload
an RTF or PostScript file to a web server, where it would be processed-
printed or converted to HTML/GIF for the web.
Another way of achieving this is to export the Note object as XML or
s-expressions (ala lisp) and do the processing in a Squeak server.
I know it'd be pretty easy to yank out just the text of a note, but I'd
like to retain the formatting and better yet, drawings.
Any ideas?
[1] which I alway did manually, NCU->RTF, RTF->HTML
keep the green!
Aaron Reichow :: Twin Ports ACM VP :: http://www.d.umn.edu/~reic0024/
"The profit system follows the path of least resistance and following the
path of least resistance is what makes a river crooked." -U. Utah Phillips
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