Re: [NTLK] Jaguar killed Classic AirPort AppleTalk?

From: Gabriela & Radek Biciste (
Date: Mon Nov 18 2002 - 17:27:39 EST

isn't that problem I'm having with AppleTalk in Classic using crossover
cable for connecting Newton and my B&W G3 over ethernet? Understand if
your wired connection is just between Newton ethernet card and Mac's
ethernet. If Newton and Mac are connected through ethernet switch then
everything works fine. Classic tends to turn off AppleTalk if there is
no activity on the port assigned to it.
Do you have TCP/IP active on AirPort while using AppleTalk there? I
would try to enable TCP/IP on the same AirPort and try again. Please
discard if this is a total nonsense. I do not have wireless setup for my
Hope this helps,


Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 14:58:54 -0600
From: "Troy V. Barkmeier" <>
Subject: [NTLK] Jaguar killed Classic AirPort AppleTalk?

To all list members who have a Mac equipped with both Jaguar (10.2.x)
an AirPort card:

I am trying to verify a problem that I am having on two PowerBooks; I'd
like to submit a bug report to Apple to see if this is indeed a bug or
just something else that they've broken on purpose in Jaguar.

Stated simply, the issue is that under Jaguar, the Classic environment
cannot access AppleTalk if it is assigned to AirPort.

How to test my theory if you have an AirPort-equipped Mac running

1) Boot up into OS X
2) Quit Classic if it's running
3) Open System Preferences, and go to the Network control panel
4) Choose "AirPort" from the Show pop-up
5) Click on the AppleTalk tab, and check the "Make AppleTalk Active" box
6) Click the "Apply Now" button
7) Launch Classic (either manually, or by launching a Classic app, no
difference for our purposes)
8) Launch any Newton connection app that is set to use AppleTalk (such
NCU, NBU, etc.)
9) It should complain that it "Could not select an AppleTalk connection
because AppleTalk is not active." etc., etc., and direct you to turn
AppleTalk on in the Chooser.
10) If you go to the Chooser, AppleTalk is inactive and cannot be
activated. The Classic AppleTalk control panel is non-functional under
Jaguar. Ergo, you are screwed.
11) If you go back to step #4 and choose "Built-in Ethernet", you should
encounter no problems using NCU with AppleTalk, etc., over a wired

Unless I'm just doing something terribly wrong, this will be a serious
problem for those of us who have been using our built-in AirPort cards
for NCU under OS X.

Anyone else have a different experience?


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