>Before posting such a comment shouldnt you speak from your own experience.
So when somebody deals with you thru NTLK, do you treat them differently
then thru ebay?
>I always try to ensure that those that deal with me are happy but some can
not be pleased no matter what you do. If you have ever worked in retail
its much the same.
At least 'in retail' there are legal channels to correct disputes.
>Im as good as person as any to head up this project and i will continue to
do so. The 25 or so responses i have gotten so far seem to indicate that i
CAN be trusted.
Your 'word' is all we have to go by. Not a 'trusted' impartial third-party
you think?
How many responses are from NTLK or ebay. Usually a seller posts an ebay
auction if available, why did you omit this on the NTLK list and didn't
mention the '$5.00 info. charge'?
>Please abide by the list rules and do not post anything negative about any
list members,
Incomplete listings are wrong, that's 'negative' to the purpose of this
>Your clear resin idea is a good one but it wont work, ive already explored
that option however i would be very excited to see you prove me wrong.
I'd prefer a translucent green casing, in honor of our Newts.
!ooW %-)
Pres. of LA Newton Users Group!...over $teve's Live Body.
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