Another tool to help you start learning this stuff in context is the
NewtSync developer page
<>. You can download
the (relatively current) source code for the plug-ins that are built
into NewtSync. The ulterior motive of releasing the three plugins that
I've released first (Clock, AddressBook and SoupLadle) are that they
are great stepping stones for learning how to make a plug-in. The Clock
plug-in is very basic and is good for learning what the minimum
requirements for a NewtSync plug-in are. SoupLadle teaches you how to
get records out of the Newton, and AddressBook shows you how to
synchronize records. The Aaron Hillegrass book (or however you spell
his name) is a great way to pick up Cocoa.
John Anderson
On Tuesday, November 26, 2002, at 09:58 AM, Ashley Campbell wrote:
> On Tuesday, November 26, 2002, at 12:31 PM, John Del Pizzo wrote:
>> That's my current line of thinking... except I don't know C (Objective
>> or
>> otherwise). I'll be looking into it after finals.
> I have two good Cocoa/ObjC books you can borrow (the AW one and the
> O'Reilly). Let me know if you want me to drop them off anytime.
> -awc
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