>Well, this time it is purely software.
>I had a kernel panic on the OS of the future and afterwards (wasn't
>doing anything strange), Universal Access
Ouch! That made me 'panic'. :-o
>But you're probably right. I really wonder if computers increase the
>productivity. We spend so much time learning how they work, how to use
them, installing things, doing backups, etc. At least, I haven't wasted too
much paper taking notes on the Newton ;) Plus I enjoy creating software for
myself and for others.
With the 'Newton Experience', YES! I'm too productive. ;-)
With the deadtop/laughtop OS's, 50/50.
..and we thank those that can 'munch, chew, and spit' code(another four
letter word inserted here). :-o
!ooW %-)
Pres. of LA Newton Users Group!...over $teve's Live Body.
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