At 02:16 PM 11/27/2002 -0500, "Johannes Wolf" <>
>As I said before - from an electrical point of view there is NO difference
>using the NIC port via Dongle or the SER-001.
Not strictly true, Johannes.
Apparently there is a hardware line on the newton Interconnect Port called
"prodDockAttach" that signals the Newton that something's been plugged in.
If it's pulsed for 1msec the Newton wakes up. If it's driven low for 10msec
or longer the Newton initiates an auto dock sequence.
Apparently the dongle asserts this line (since plugging a dongle into the
port causes the Newt to wake up and autodock to initiate), but neither the
SER-001 nor the hardwired Interconnect cable I have does assert it.
So one theory for the incompatibility is that the Newton Outlink client is
testing to see whether the prodDockAttach line is pulled low before
initiating communication, possibly in attempt to ensure that a serial cable
is attached.
Other than this nit, I love my SER-001. Mr. PCBMan is an upstanding guy and
I know if a solution is possible he'll find it.
-- Jeremy Bond Shepherd jbond_at_jameswhale.comAmericans practice different faiths in churches, synagogues, mosques and temples. And many good people practice no faith at all. - George W. Bush, finally gets it right in his Easter Address of 2002 My PGP key is available on public keyservers.
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