Re: [NTLK] Voice of reason

From: Doug Parker (
Date: Wed Nov 27 2002 - 16:30:48 EST

>Exactly. Just letting Apple know we're still here is enough. I don't think
>sending in a heap of registration cards will cause some great rift between
>Apple and the Newton community (not that there's any real connection these
>days). Maybe storming the stage during his keynote and covering him in
>slime would, but a bit of extra mail, no way.
>At best it'll amuse the people at Apple. At worst it'll be simply ignored,
>or confuse the registration data entry people.

...but if we just send in reg cards via USPS, you'll never have confirmation
that they were received rather than round filed. You'll never know if it
created a stir inside Apple.

You also miss out on an opportunity to give the media something to sink
their teeth into and help our cause. If you're counting on the media
covering it, *without a doubt* it must be seen in a positive light, or else
some reporter will construe it as lame, or ill-imagined, or incomplete, or
blah blah blah...and we're egg-faced and we've lost the battle--I don't know
about the war.

How can we guarantee visibility *and* feedback, and get above the noise
threshold so that the signal rings loud and clear?

What if a box of cards marked

            Newton registration cards

             Still intelligent after
                 all these years*

are placed in front of the podium during the keynote address, and a thank
you card is handed to Steve? They can be originals or reproductions--I don't
think that matters. You guarantee visibility, and the thank you card is
worded just right to accomplish whatever goal is desired. ___. (Fill-in and
complete your own private fantasy here.)

You've forced the issue into the spotlight, it can't be denied, and the
media helps by reporting it *favorably* through their channels, and NTLK
gets a bigger bang for their buck. NTLK looks good. Apple looks good. Steve
looks good.

There has to be a next step though in the vision--it has to *go* somewhere.
Big businesses don't do anything by accident. This needs the same attention.
Is a NTLK representative there to answer questions, display software, talk
about nSync? Take the vision to its completion. I don't think we're there
yet, where the vision is complete.

Doug Parker

*I saw this or something similar in NTLK.

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