Actually, paint should stick quite well to the Newton skin. The rubber
is likely to be quite porous.
>Looks damn cool, would it paint straight on? I have a hard time
>imagining any kind of paint sticking to a 2x00's fleshy rubbery bits.
>Still worth getting just to touch up my PbG4.
>Actually, it's struck me just lately how very much this rubbery stuff
>reminds me of the psion 5, and then I remembered that I always
>preferred the metal finish of the 5mx. It'd be nice to have a newt like
>Then again, a metal finish would scratch tellingly. But if I had a pot
>handy... <thoughts ramble off into the sunset>
>On Thursday, Nov 28, 2002, Matt Binkowski scribbled:
>> I just found one that's much better than the first link i sent. This
>> actually has both colors (light and dark grays) for sale in a kit.
>> matt
Mark Ross
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