Re: [NTLK] Ferdi has taken his defensiven.

From: Christopher Fisher (
Date: Fri Nov 29 2002 - 11:04:32 EST

Woo and all,

I have never dealt with Ferdi as far as buying anything from him, though I
must admit the "backlight" Newts he was selling on eBay at the time I got
mine (Aug.) he was making to appear as if they were rare *factory* issue
jobs, like the clear case 110s. I notice he has changed his wording when he
puts one up for sale now, so that there's no doubt that this is an
aftermarket alteration, but still....

However, I should point out that after I first posted to the list back in
Sept., looking for a replacement stylus for my 120, I got this unsolicited
e-mail from him:

> What exaclty are you looking for?
> A new Titanium Colored stylus for your newton 2XXX?
> Thanks
> Ferdi

Now mind you, I don't mind someone who is a Newton fan, and has a business
or side business dealing with Newts, contacting me unsolicited trying to see
if I might be interested in a business transaction that would be mutually
beneficial, BUT-the thing is I made very clear in my posting what sort of
Newt I had, and what sort of stylus I was looking for. I think all Ferdi
saw in that e-mail was the header ("Help-busted stylus), and thought "Ah-ha!
Some guy needs a stylus. And he surely must have a Newt 2XXX (doesn't
everybody?) Here's someone I can maybe make a sale to". Not even enough
respect for me to read my post and figure out what sort of Newt I had, or
stylus I needed. He came off like some guy who sells watches and stuff that
are pinned to the inside of a dirty trenchcoat. I could just see his
eyebrows go "waggle-waggle-waggle" as he wrote that second line. No, I
assure you, I won't be doing business with anyone like that who has so
little respect for me, and is only thinking of the money he might make, that
he can't be bothered to find out what I really need, and whether he can help
me on it. Sorry Ferdi, no matter how good or bad you might be as a
businessman, I guarantee you that you blew it with me for good. (And don't
bother to e-mail me offlist-I already have your addy on my "trashcan" list.

All the Best,


P.S. You may be a good Newt modifier, etc., but you really need to change
your promotional style!

> ------------------
>> Say, did anyone else get a message like this from Ferdi? (Given the=20
>> number of people he's put off on this list, I was wondering if he had to
> send out form letters...)
> I haven't got this one, yet. Besides, he sends me worse stuff than this.
> :-P
> ------------------
>> "No worries Brian,
>> You will definiltly be excluded when (not if) my project gets
>> off the ground.
> Whoa! He's 'keeping' the rights to 'his project'??? The actual source is
> only his???
> ------------------
>> Grow up. over 400 positive feedback on ebay what can you say
>> for yourself except critisism.
> As of 11/29/02, 05:00 PST., 375 feedback, 6 neg., lots of feedback from
> low-feedback buyers/sellers and 'sunglass' ebayers.
> ------------------
> ---------------------
> !ooW %-)
> Pres. of LA Newton Users Group!...over $teve's Live Body.
> What exaclty are you looking for?
> A new Titanium Colored stylus for your newton 2XXX?
> Thanks
> Ferdi

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