Re: [NTLK] speak text volume

From: Blair Rosser (
Date: Wed Oct 02 2002 - 11:01:10 EDT

>I want to know if it is normal that when I change the volume in my extras
>folder, then have the newton speak text, the volume doesn't change for the
>voice... even if the main volume is all the way down.

>Is this normal? or should I be able tochange the voice volume as well?


This is normal. And it is set to the max.

The reason I've heard for this is that the default Macintalk volume is quite
low, and so SpeakText compensates by boosting it to the max before speaking.

The workaround I've found was to install an an audio out jack so I can
either plug into the stereo for boost, or a set of headphones. Since I
patched into the speaker output, volume is quite good, so I need a set of
headphones with a volume adjust - they are plenty loud enough for riding on
the bus, and can be brought down to almost a whisper when I'm drifting off
to sleep.

There are a number of ways to add an audio out port: (from the Newton Hardware FAQ)

or this way - the way I did it more or less (from Daniel Padilla's website):

At this point, I couldn't live without a headphone jack in the Newt.


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