Somone had contacted me a few months back regarding a NUG meeting b/w calgary and canada (possibly in red deer) does anyone from north of the border know what happened to this idea?
Subject: Re: [NTLK] Is there a Newton UG in Calgary Canada ?
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2002 08:46:46 -0600
From: "Grant [Simplicity Itself] Hutchinson" <>
In a previous message, Norman Palardy typed vigorously:
>Is there a Newton UG in Calgary Canada ?
Nope. Just me so far...
Unless King Chung Huang is still on the list. He was still posting to the
list back in April.
Vernon LeMoignan in Edmonton was trying to get an Alberta Newton Users
Group together. Hey Vern, did you get any responses from the group about
setting up a meeting somewhere? Looks like there's at least two of down
here in cowtown.
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