Here's my method of doing the same thing.
Emory paper (it's actually cloth) and fan-belt
Put the sand paper in the paper intake tray and as the
paper begins to be drawn into the printer, grab it
firmly to prevent it from being pulled through the
printer. This will cause the big rubber paper gripper
to scrape along the paper, getting rid of the
"glazing" that has formed on the rubber's surface.
Then take a paper towel and dowse it in the fan belt
gripper fluid (It's a spray you can get at any
automotive store) and coat the rubber gripper in it.
Run several sheets of paper through the machine (try
to hold one back to get the extra fluid off) and see
how well it works!
Ed (Happy October Fest!)
web/gadget guru
come and see my Newt on the web (well, mostly) at:
--- Mark Janello <> wrote:
> >From: "Blair Rosser" <>
> >Subject: [NTLK] Laserwriter II NT gripper problem -
> Wes: Service Manual
> >needed
> >Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2002 07:51:37 -0700
> >>
> >I have a Laswerwriter II NT and the paper gripper
> has lost it's grip. Is
> >this something I can get fixed or replace easily
> enough.
> The paper intake roller can be replaced--it's not
> too hard though you have
> to take the whole darn printer apart to get to it.
> Get the service manual
> from one of the sources mentioned in the LWPro 810
> thread. I recall seeing
> it as a service part from and
> maybe other places too.
> Or, there's the cheap way, which actually worked
> quite well for my old
> LWIInt. Brake fluid. Get some regular old brake
> fluid (DOT 3 or 4--I
> think later kinds like DOT 5 are some kind of
> synthetic that won't work).
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