on 08-10-2002 10:23, andrew_at_misf67.cern.ch at andrew_at_misf67.cern.ch wrote:
>> go to: http://www.tidbits.com/tb-issues/TidBITS-650.html
>> and search for 'Newton'
> I am not sure they did it after the demise of the Newton, but when they
> were "outsourced". The video mentioned on tidbits is available on the last
> Newton Developer CD (from Newton Inc). If they would have made the video
> after the demise, it would not have made it to a developer CD.
I stand corrected, would like to see that video though, what would be
'huge'? Is this in Newton terms, or are we talking over, say 40 MB ?
Robert Benschop
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