Re: [NTLK] Jaguar-Newton Sync progress update

From: John Anderson (
Date: Tue Oct 08 2002 - 11:44:48 EDT

> Regarding Filepad, FilePad Link, Synchronicity: You had versions 1.7b1
> of
> Filepad and a Synchronicity alpha version on your former website. I
> just
> remember the top two items on my "wish-list": Make 1.7b1 of Filepad
> faster
> (it is actually slower than 1.61) and add AppleTalk or even better,
> support to Filepad Link or Synchronicity...are you going to work on
> these
> neat applications again?

Well, at this point it's third priority. First is the newton sync, and
second is Presence 3, the product that I de-prioritized in order to
work on this one. Presence 3 will offer the content management features
of Presence 2, but it will be built around an outline-based HTML
editor. The editor imports the W3C DTDs into a tag database, and then
uses that database to autocomplete as you type tag and attribute names,
and validate your HTML document as you type. Plus, it allows you to
drag "chunks" of HTML into a template archive; use them elsewhere, and
when you change the original, you change the copies as well.

Anyway, enough of a plug there... Filepad comes after that. As for
Synchronicity... that was a neat app, but it would make more sense to
port it to a plug-in for the new sync app. (Or, perhaps, Synchronicity
could be the name of this application?) Making it Cocoa would give me
the ability to synchronize FilePad databases with tons of different SQL
databases, in addition to FileMaker Pro. Haven't totally decided yet,
but I'm thinking of just open-sourcing FilePad. There hasn't been much
interest expressed from this group. I'll re-visit it after the sync app
is finished.

John Anderson

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