Re: [NTLK] Synchronicity - Icon design contest

From: Ed Kummel (
Date: Wed Oct 09 2002 - 13:04:20 EDT

that icon, the circle with two arrows is commonly
used! It's like the look-and-feel argument...can you
claim ownership of a symbol that is so universal that
any other symbol would just be wrong? If so, I claim
ownership of that battery icon (the one that shows
which way to insert a battery?) I'll be rich!
Everybody's got to pay me royalties! I'll be right up
there with the GIF and JPG patent lawsuits!
Ed (Happy October Fest!)
web/gadget guru (download Newton packages) (my NPDS server and it's new

--- John Anderson <> wrote:
> This sort of concerns me as well; Apple is viciously
> protective of
> their intellectual property (as they should be), and
> while using system
> icons in a toolbar isn't gonna turn any heads,
> incorporating a logo
> from an iApp to support a product that SJ hates...
> doesn't seem like
> the best way for me to keep my day job there.
> I'm probably over-reacting, but just to be on the
> safe side, can we
> stick to original designs?
> Thanks! :-)
> John
> > Should we not refrain from building our icon
> submissions for
> > Anderson's app off of Apple's iSync icon? That's
> kind of like
> > information piracy/copying. It's like taking
> someone's logo and just
> > modifying it - then calling it your own logo.

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