Re: [NTLK] Back in NTLK-Land

From: Ed Kummel (
Date: Wed Oct 09 2002 - 17:02:49 EDT

That's interesting because the Newt that I am using
did a stint at the North Pole (or quite close to it)
It was hooked up to a Satellite phone and used to get
email and download field data. I don't know what they
used, but we rented them the satellite phone, a laptop
and a Newton 2000. (they were Mac centric, but incase
they had trouble connecting their Mac laptop, we gave
them a Toshiba)
I wish I could remember the web page that they
setup...This was back in 97 or 98...but they also took
it to Peru to study a volcano...
Ed (Happy October Fest!)
web/gadget guru (download Newton packages) (my NPDS server and it's new

--- Eckhart Koeppen <> wrote:
> On Wednesday, October 9, 2002, at 08:54 , Victor
> Rehorst wrote:
> > Eck, where the heck did you move to?? From your
> mail headers it looks
> > like Finland... Maybe you should add yourself to
> the map so we can all
> > see...
> Just did that, haven't seen the map before but
> that's indeed a neat
> idea! Finland is right, Tampere most of the time but
> pretty
> regularily also Oulu. But who the hell is sitting
> with his or her
> Newton on the North Pole?
> Eckhart

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