Re: [NTLK] NYCnug%26In-Reply-To%26In-Reply-To

From: Daniel ZS. Jagendorf (
Date: Fri Oct 11 2002 - 21:22:29 EDT

    I had no intention or desire to offend you with the whole discussion
of newton users in the NYC area getting together.
    It started with the surge in newton interest from the magazine
articles and the LA users' group announcements; they seemed to be having
a lot of fun and several people on the newtontalk list started chiming
in with a wish for a New York get together. I decided to push things
and suggested doing so, and eventually posted a date for a meeting.
 During this time someone mentioned your web page so I visited your site
and couldn't find any ongoing meetings (and the last newton mention was
from last year and was about migrating data to a palm), which is why I
didn't go through your organization.
    My reasons for continuing independently at this point are that I
don't know what kind of interest there is for meeting in the flesh (as
it were). I get all my questions answered through the list. Still, if
people like the meetings then I think your organization would be very
helpful and whoever wants to be in charge should go through nycDaug as
an umbrella group. If whoever shows up just wants to hoist a beer and
split a pig then we might as well maintain the informal nature. Please
announce this meeting among your group and show up yourself (Thursday
the 17th, 6:30pm, at Apple Soho) for any former or closeted newton
owners. Again, you are very welcome, please stop by.
I would like to point out that your list postings seemed to have a
negative tone, which is why they generated the kind of response, imho.
So, hope to see you Thursday night,
Dan Jagendorf

Peter M. Fine wrote:

>> LA GREEN said
>> I may be responding to this late, but i think u are missing the point.
>> there already is an interest. we want our own group.
> Actually I am the one coming very late to this entire discussion so
> please excuse that. I love the idea of renewed (from my standpoint)
> Newton interest. I have cc'd a number of you directly since it seems
> I have not mastered how to get a message to stay in the thread yet.
> We can all take this off line and I am really not trying to be a pain
> here. :-)
> First of all, you don't need to sell me on the benefits of the Newton.
> I started with one and had every model as well and we had one of the
> biggest Newton groups around. I even got us to meet at Apple
> headquarters for years.
> Eric Schneck was an active member and he should be able to tell you of
> how good the group was and what I did for it so please don't
> misunderstand me.
>> LA GREEN said and if that is what you think serves you best I understand
>> its not that we need to reinvent the wheel we are the wheel.
> My reference to reinventing was in starting one more user group which
> you can do of course but my suggestion was to reactivate the Newton
> SIG of NYCDAUG instead of starting another group and the reason I
> suggest that is that vendors respond better to less fragmented markets
> and it makes YOUR needs more powerful.
> You can have your own meetings at the location of choice and you can
> have your own web pages. I even own the name if you felt it
> was important to use that as well.
> I am just saying this may not serve your community the best by
> fragmenting and creating yet another group. I know this also because
> over the last few years we incorporated a number of smaller groups and
> in doing we made NYCDAUG stronger which gets members better deals and
> more opportunities.
> You never have to see another PDA platform nor deal with it. Of
> course, you may know better but I am suggesting from someone who has
> ALREADY been where you are to maybe see if I know what I am talking
> about. You have never been where I am nor had my experience in this
> regard. That is why I say don't be so quick and let's talk.
> I had this exact same discussion with Pocket PC users. They want to
> have nothing to do with Palm OS users and don't. They have separate
> mailing lists, separate web pages, and separate meetings. They do get
> benefits from the one larger group and they have no downsides. They
> even hold additional meetings on their own as well.
> You sound very sure (no offense) about this issue without really
> knowing much about me nor NYCDAUG nor how it operates and that is not
> beneficial to anyone.
> I am only suggesting we maybe all meet to see what will serve the
> members best.
> Then make a decision.
> - Peter

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