Re: [NTLK] Did anyone else get this?

From: Brian (
Date: Sun Oct 13 2002 - 11:15:19 EDT

>From: Laurent Daudelin <>
>It probably had the [NTLK] in the subject to make you believe it was coming
>from the mailing list. But it was not. However, this guy was able to harvest
>some email addresses from this list and that is what worries me...

Well, it (the virus, or this particular virion anyway :) can parse emails
in your inbox and grab email addresses that way; no no bulk harvesting
needed (ala spammers). If a windows user keeps emails around any
newtontalk posting/email can be harvested. More people should use Macs (or
pine) :)

But it is true that while the archives at have the email
addresses munged to prevent bulk robot harvesting, the searchable archives
do not. So sometime when some spammer runs a robot down that, it could be
messy. As long as it requires a search keyword to be entered to display
any messages that should help defeat some harvesting 'bots.



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