Re: [NTLK] Some JaneHead doesnt know how the recent viri seem to work.was Re: VIRUS ALERT

From: Stainless Steel Rat (
Date: Sun Oct 13 2002 - 23:41:56 EDT

* "Michael J. Hußmann" <> on Sun, 13 Oct 2002
| > But I am curious: what does your dictionary list for plural forms of
| > pelagus and vulgus?
| "pelage" and "vulgi".

That is about what I figured. It was a trick question to check the
accuracy of your dictionary, and I'm afraid your dictionary fails. Pelagus
is "the sea", and vulgus is "the crowd". They are irregular nouns of the
second declension that end in "us". The correct plurals are pelagus and

I believe "pelage" is not proper for the second declension, so even if
pelagus were not an irregular noun your dictionary is still mistaken.

You might want to get a better Latin dictionary.

| Well, I've never regarded grammar as a particularly romantic topic myself
| ... ;-)

That's Romantic as in Romance Languages. :)

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