I just updated my Newton page with some new packages at the bottom of the
page. I did add eBase, which is supposed to be a database module for
NewtonWorks. I also added the communication application that came with it.
Unfortunately, I only have the Macintosh version.
I also added an application that I haven't heard about much, but for which I
was a beta tester. It's maybe on UNNA, but now it's also on my server and
it's called "BackdropBuilder". Like the name implies, it is supposed to let
you build your own customized backdrop applications. Don't ask me what
features it has, since I haven't used it in quite some time. I just came
across it while searching for other Newton packages to make available on my
web site.
Finally, I did receive a few requests for a package that was released when
the first Newton came out. It is "Money Magazine: Business Forms". As you
may have guessed, it's a set of packages that represent different forms that
a business might use.
All available from <>.
-- ============================================================================ Laurent Daudelin AIM/RV: LaurentDaudelin <> Logiciels Nemesys Software mailto:laurent.daudelin_at_verizon.netdangling pointer n.: [common] A reference that doesn't actually lead anywhere (in C and some other languages, a pointer that doesn't actually point at anything valid). Usually this happens because it formerly pointed to something that has moved or disappeared. Used as jargon in a generalization of its techspeak meaning; for example, a local phone number for a person who has since moved to the other coast is a dangling pointer. Compare dead link.
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