on 17/10/02 05:51, Glen Warner at gdwarner_at_mindspring.com wrote:
> Greetings ....
> I have a 120 and a 130, and I appear to have fried both of them by
> setting the voltage too high on my sleazy Radio Shack Special power
> adapter.
> The question: is repair feasible, or would it be easier to sell them
> as dead on eBay and buy a refurbished 2000?
> If repair is feasible, some links would be good ....
Are you familiar and equipped for surface mount soldering? If not, you'd
better up trying to get a cheap 2100, or upgraded 2000 for around $70. Or
you could try to get a 130, if money is really scarce. Given the prices seen
recently for 2x00, I would imagine you could find a 130 for maybe $40...
-- ============================================================================ Laurent Daudelin AIM/RV: LaurentDaudelin <http://nemesys.dyndns.org> Logiciels Nemesys Software mailto:laurent.daudelin_at_verizon.netcoaster n.: 1. Unuseable CD produced during failed attempt at writing to writeable or re-writeable CD media. Certainly related to the coaster-like shape of a CD, and the relative value of these failures. "I made a lot of coasters before I got a good CD." 2. Useless CDs received in the mail from the likes of AOL, MSN, CI$, Prodigy, ad nauseam.
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