Re: [NTLK] The Prior-Art-O-Matic

From: Grant [Self Inflating] Hutchinson (
Date: Thu Oct 17 2002 - 23:39:48 EDT

In a previous message, Anner Tiete typed vigorously:

>Just a funny site that gave a pretty good interpretation of the Newt ...
>Apple Newton
>Apple Newton is a biro that sings comical songs, remembers your personal
>preferences and can only be operated by a trained professional.

I think the Prior-Art-O-Matic got me and my Newton mixed up. Check out
this interpretation of my own name:

     "Grant Hutchinson is a postage stamp that can speak twelve languages,
      anticipates your every move and defies gravity."

Now that sounds like a Newton to me!

Or how about one for the Newton MessagePad:

     "Newton MessagePad is a headband that fits in your pocket,
      works at any altitude and scares dogs."




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