Re: [NTLK] Proxy Server

From: Ed Kummel (
Date: Sat Oct 19 2002 - 00:37:24 EDT

I've never used the built-in proxy services in the
Windows OS. I always used a 3rd party. It was easier
and simpler to use.
My favorite is JanaProx. What's sweet about this proxy
server is that it is simple and it will even act as an
email server and a newsgroup server! Plus, you can use
the proxy server to block any webpages you designate.
Hint...when you set up your network, do not use the
10.x.x.x, This is mostly used by corporations for
internal networks and if you ever VPN into your
company's network, you may have a conflict. Use the
198.162.x.x network instead!
 Do a Google on JanaProx to get to the website.
web/gadget guru
come and see my Newt on the web (well, mostly) at:

--- Shane Hunter <> wrote:
> Has any one tried to hook up to the 'net through a
> Microshaft Proxy Server?
> If so, how do you get Nethopper to authenticate on
> the server?
> Thanks!
> Shane

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