Re: [NTLK] Ebay Alert...

From: Peter K. Sanner (
Date: Mon Oct 21 2002 - 09:31:05 EDT


he is on the german ebay ( too, where he states to live in Switzerland.
Look at this:

Hmm, very strange!


On Monday, Oct 21, 2002, at 03:15PM, Woo Lee <> wrote:

>Wow, somebody is trying to give 'unauthorized software' thru an ebay =
>auction, in fact the 'author' has sent a demand to remove the =
>'unauthorized offer'... it's by some so-called 'knowledge navigator', oh, =
>it's a pseudo-name since fozg.(aka furby) is trying to sell incorrect =
>newton related stuff. And he's in the U.S.??? Hmmm, never states which =
>'State' he's in(or is that Province). I wonder if Victor knows about the =
>USD$19.99 knockoffs of unna 'kn' is selling. I wonder why the auctions =
>don't have 'safe' instructions like the 'solar panel' that sells for =
>US$59.99 doesn't match the Newton's needs(went to a local Fry's, read the =
>label, they had lots).
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