Re: [NTLK] e: Off topic - OT - Re: German food

From: Oliver Brose (
Date: Mon Oct 21 2002 - 14:09:08 EDT

>Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 09:41:15 -0700 (PDT)
>From: Ed Kummel <>

>yeah...I'm definatly one of the "hill" Germans.
>(hoch-deutch. I've got an uncle who's Schwaben and he
>makes fun of us hill people) Lederhosen and
>schuleplaten dantzen...all the way!

There are many words for what you mean here ;)
Lets pick one of the nice ones... you are possibly one of those
"urbayrische Bursch'n".

>There is a program that is setup for
>writing reviews of restaurants, but I'm sure that it
>can be adapted to be a where to purchase and shop
> there is a PKG called dinerS.

Thanks for the tip, Ed :)
If it can say that Rosie's has the best pie but bad coffee it will
surely be adequate.

>Install it and see if that doesn what you want.

Having some trouble recently regarding NCU, maybe it's Jaguar, maybe
it's the Newton (the US one I mistreated to badly, stuffed it with
all the old systeminfo from my german 2100, suffers from
birthday-doublesight and other strange diseases), maybe I forgot
about something...

Oliver :)

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