Hmmm, ebay doesn't like the link. try clicking on 'search by item number'. =
The auction is for 'software that allows Palm<->Newton trabsfers', so far =
only one IIRC, and it's still owned by Bob. Hey, I got a copy of emails =
from ebay seller<->Bob(smartdogsw), whoa, not nice ones either, Bob is =
going to alert ebay regs. Hey, he's using a '' addy, harder =
to find out who/where he is.
The 'Newton software discs auctions' used to have descriptions, now =
they're vague. BTW, some other ebay seller is selling AMUG Newton cd's, =
for less than AMUG's site, but accurate info. :-)
>If this is Ferdy, he's in Canada AFAIK, but you have to kidding (the link
>was already dead by now) he's selling software that isn't his and the
>Unna Archive ?!
>If this is true I think we're talking about a sad case....
Pres. of Los Angeles Newton Users Group...over $J's Live body.
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