on 10/21/02 8:16 PM, G.E. Ross at g.e.ross_at_sympatico.ca wrote:
> I can't believe this guy gets business when he says things like "2100 not
> upgraded", then further down the page confesses "This upgrade is installe=
> in such a way that it can be turned off or on..." He's trying to confuse =
> unwary by talking about the "new" condition of the messagepad without a w=
> that it has been opened and altered in possibly damaging techniques.
It _is_ and original 2100. It is not a 2000, upgraded to a 2100. It _also_
has a speed implant, installed afterwards, and a new backlight. It is
obvious from the description that it has been modified. Trouble is, he
doesn=B9t tell us that _he_ did the upgrade, or who did it. That's like buyin=
a souped up hot rod, and selling it for a super-inflated price. There is no
guarantee that everything will work together well for long. I wouldn't touc=
this, even if I didn't know who the seller is. ;-)
Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland
Sometimes the majority only means that all the fools are on the same side.
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