À (At) 16:29 -0400 22/10/02, Victor Rehorst écrivait (wrote) :
>An IR connection with no additional software on the Newton isn't a
>possibility. Sorry.
You can do IrDA transfers without anything on the Newton (MP2x00, eMate)
In fact, the Newton can do: LocalTalk, MNP Serial, Modem (not sure
what it is) and IrDA out of the box (2.1 only, 2.0 and earlier might
have only LocalTalk and MNP Serial).
The issue here is that, AFAIK, there is no IrDA dock-capable
application running on Linux yet. There isn't any running on MacOS X
either, but that's mostly because IrDA isn't very much documented. In
fact, the only currently released software that does IrDA with Dock
is Thomas Tempelmann's DIL Tester.
Umm. Are there some experienced C++ Windows/Linux/BeOS programmers
out there with some spare time?
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