Re: [NTLK] Empty Slots

From: J. Eagan Rackley (
Date: Tue Oct 22 2002 - 22:59:48 EDT

Hi Woo :)

I'd like to buy one if you have on for sale ^_^

-Eagan Rackley
(the guy you sold that excellent carrying case to:)

Woo Lee wrote:

>Hmmm, with all my memory cards, should I sell my pc blanks?...send me =
>offers. Who knows, with proof from Victor that you've bought cd's and/or =
>donated to unna I might be real nice, or should I compete on ebay???
>>Another Newbie question:
>>>What does one do about the empty PC slots on a 2000? Or asked another
>>>what does one put in them when they are not in use so that they can be
>>>"filled up"?
>Pres. of Los Angeles Newton Users Group...over $J's Live body.

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