Re: [NTLK] NaPalm: it's for real.

From: Victor Rehorst (
Date: Thu Oct 24 2002 - 21:46:50 EDT

David Caolo wrote:
> Well, this is extremely cool. Yet, have we resolved the legality issue?
> I'd love to have this software, but do not have a Palm, and therefore could
> not "legally" use ROMS. So, what's the verdict? Sure, it works, but can
> we use it?

Obtaining a PalmOS ROM would be an exercise left up to the user. Methods of
obtaining would include:

-dumping a ROM off of a Palm device you own (legal)
-downloading a ROM from Palm, assuming you are an authorized Palm developer
(legal, but not easy for Joe User to do anymore)
-borrowing your friend's Palm, dumping the ROM (illegal)
-downloading a ROM from another site that isn't Palm (illegal)

If you, say, typed a phrase such as "Palm ROMs" into, say,, you
might get some interesting results...

Victor Rehorst - -
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Will help you with your list problems - as long as you're nice.

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