Re: [NTLK] PIM suggestions

Date: Fri Oct 25 2002 - 00:18:37 EDT

How about that. Ignored the help files, and it works.

Thanks again, sorry I ever doubted you. Set up and did a sync,
even added a name or two in CO and it showed up in the Newt. Life
is good. And I love syncing over ethernet...

Everytime someone makes fun of my "big old PDA" I just show
them a screen that's as big as their whole Palm, show them the
sketching functions and the modem and the ethernet card, the
graphics capabilities, the IrDA printing.....then they shut up.

> on 24-10-2002 4:17, Paul Braun at wrote:
> > Someone suggested that I try Claris Organizer, so I did, but CO only
> > synchronizes with NCK-compatible Newts. It won't import/export from
> > my 2100, unless I go through the hassle of importing/exporting and
> > then reformatting a text file every freakin' time.
> I beg your pardon?
> I connect my Newt through NCU, export type I choose CO and done,
> that's all, been working for years...
> Maybe you can elaborate on what you're doing exactly ?
> Robert Benschop
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Paul Braun WD9GCO
2102 Yorktowne Dr
Valparaiso, IN 46383

"A computer without Microsoft software is like a dog without a bunch of bricks tied to its head."

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