"Ben Rockwood" <benr_at_cuddletech.com> wrote:
> But Newts Cape, BookMaker, and Newton Press all seem to be ancient
> Any idea where I can find them or replacements? I'm a Linux user,
> and can probly get an Win32 apps running under WINE with no problems,
> but Mac emulation isn't going to be possible. Any ideas?
You should be able to pick up a Mac Classic II pretty cheap (< $50,
but I'd go for a Color Classic*, if you can find one). For software,
you would have to hook up with your local Mac User's Group. They
should be able to set you up with NBU, an appropriate cable, and
support, should you need it.
Good luck ....
> benr.
*Did I mention I found a Color Classic at my local Goodwill once? $25,
works fine (no, I'm not sellin').
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