Re: [NTLK] VNC at driver level?

From: Trent Tuggle (Trent_at_Tuggle.Org)
Date: Mon Oct 28 2002 - 11:49:46 EST


Would it be possible to write a C++ object to make NIE data exchange
easier/faster for binary data? Kind of a better/more effecient wrapper
for socket communications?


Paul Guyot wrote:

>This layer was written to exchange Newton data (in Newton Stream
>Object Format) or text with a mac. It sucks when it's about binary,
>because it doesn't call you back when the data is there. You need to
>know how many bytes you expect.
>If you call NIE with C++ code, you don't have that problem.

-  - -- ----  ------------------------------------------------ --- -- -   -
Trenton B. Tuggle
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