Re: [NTLK] Ozgunner / Ebay Alert

From: Katarina Gubler (
Date: Tue Oct 29 2002 - 10:05:31 EST

Gotcha, I'm only referring to Ferdi Ozguner and not the other Newton list user whom has nothing to do with Ferdi Ozguner. (sorry, forgot all of the disclaimers)
 Robert Benschop <> wrote:
on 25-10-2002 10:34, Katarina Gubler at wrote:

> I have heard of someone, name left out, that received one of these software
> cds FULL of viruses so BEWARE!! Then after this person complained they were
> completely harrassed by the infamous Oz.

Again I'm warning for naming names and accusing people.

Maybe you're not aware of this fact but we had a respected seller on this
list over a year ago (he's still around every now and than) called Oz
Suguitan and I have no idea if this is the same person as Ozgunner.
But calling Ozgunner Oz means that there's a big risk that two people get
mixed up and reputations being wrongfully tarnished.

I appreciate warning to the list to give other people the chance to avoid a
known trap, but I'm just calling for maximum precision and care!

Robert Benschop

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