À (At) 9:26 +0200 30/10/02, Eckhart Köppen écrivait (wrote) :
>Ok. so the way to do it is to first create a p-class interface for
>TSoundCodec and derive the MP3 codec from that as a p-class
>I was under the impression that the specific codecs rely
>on some more shared functionality, especially registering the codec...
>how would registering and de-registering work with a replacement
>TSoundCodec p-class interface? Via the name server or automatically
>using the packager?
We probably can do both. MacIntalk uses the packager and it should be
the easiest.
>One thing which might be however critical is the fact that MP3 data is
>made up of frames (which can have varying length). A player application
>must schedule only complete frames, otherwise, any imcomplete frame will
>simply be dropped. While it is not too complicated to calculate the
>length of a frame, it is also a bit time consuming. But hopefully it's
>not a showstopper...
Definitely not. The issue here is to figure out what has to be done
with the CodecBlocks in particular and the details of the TSoundCodec
interface in general.
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