Re: [NTLK] Fwd: Re: Jaguar and NCU?

From: Simon Roberts (
Date: Mon Sep 02 2002 - 13:46:25 PDT

On Montag, September 2, 2002, at 09:13 Uhr, Dale Steele wrote:

> It's good to hear that NCU can run under OSX 10.2. I'm still working
> with 10.15 and haven't been able to connect. Of course I do have a
> wireless card in my powerbook just to make it a bit more
> interesting. I was unable to get my serial connection or
> ethernet/wireless to find my newton via NCU.

I remember that one of the secrets to getting NCU working with an
Airport connection, is making sure that Classic's Appletalk stack is
using the correct LAN card. Pre-10.2, it is possible to use Classic's
Appletalk control panel to select between the Airport and the Ethernet
interfaces. It requires a bit of trial and error to get the right
interface selected because they are marked with non-descriptive names.
Under 10.2 this seems to have changed - it is no longer possible to run
the Appletalk control panel under Classic. I haven't yet tried NCU over
Airport running on Classic with 10.2 but it did work fine with 10.0 -

You also need to activate OSX's Appletalk protocol in the Network


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