From: Patrick Jendraszak (
Date: Mon Sep 02 2002 - 20:08:04 PDT
Given the costs of machines at present, I would advise you to get the
most Newton that you can afford. I have used an OMP, a 130, a 2000, and
a 2100. The difference between the 2000 and the 130 was remarkable. And
the difference in Internal use due to the size of the internal heap on
the 2100 was a great advantage over the 2000. So ... if you can ... I
would say buy a 2100 or an upgraded 2000 (an upgraded 2000 is
essentially the same machine, just a little different look on the case).
Age doesn't always bring wisdom. Sometimes age comes alone.
A Message from Patrick Jendraszak
On Monday, September 2, 2002, at 09:15 PM, Egan, Tim (Sydney) wrote:
> my question to you is:
> Given that I basically would like to muck around, take some notes at
> uni,
> read email / news and maybe surf the web on a Newton.. what is the
> minimum
> that I should be looking for?
> I'm thinking that it's probably the 130.. which has the has the 2.0
> OS. Does
> that mean that it's HWR is as good as that on a 2100? Will the smaller
> size of the 130 frustrate me? Will it be able to get on the 'net etc?
> (I
> have an Orinoco gold wireless card, and a Netcomm 33.6 PCMCIA modem)
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