From: Craig (
Date: Fri Sep 06 2002 - 20:26:40 PDT
I just bought my Newton 2000 (upgrade to 2100) a few days ago. This is my
first time using a Newton, so I am a complete newbie, and I use Windows 2000
and a P3 750MHz. I installed NCU and it will not connect with the Newton at
all. I plug everything in, carefully following the directions; start NCU on
my desktop; go to extras and click Dock on the PDA; Newton says its waiting
for a response for several seconds, then gives up saying that it received no
response. I have ensured NCU and Newton are on the same speed setting, I
have tried Slowdown.exe to no avail, and I know the serial port on my PC
works since my WindowsCE device uses it (I disabled Microsoft ActiveSync for
now in order to use the Newton, though). My brother just got a Newton as
well, and has the exact same problem. The dongles we're borrowing from a
friend seem to work as the external keyboard works fine with the device. I
use a Dell laptop, and disabled the IRDA drivers, so NCU won't crash--which
it always did before I disabled them.
Thank you very much for any help.
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