[NTLK] Strange Newton Experience...

From: Andre Beckedorf (Newton_at_Beckedorf.net)
Date: Sat Sep 07 2002 - 00:39:28 PDT

Hi everybody,

something really strange just happened to my UMP2000:
I made a backup from the internal flash to a backup card and exactly after
the backup my newton crashed and switched off. I tried to restart it to, but
to no avail. I pushed the reset button on the back, nothing happened. Tried
it again, nothing. Pulled out the battery, reinserted it, retried the whole
process, but again: my Newton remained dead.
So, I took out the battery for 5 minutes, reinserted it und pushed the reset
button several times, but the Newton didn't resurrect.
Then suddenly with some hectic movement on the power-switch it turned on
just to shut down in the next moment. I pulled the switch again. This time
it turned on; the whole internal store was cleared and the Newton welcomed
me with the setup program known from a fresh install.
But: I did not clear the internal store before! There was no
"brain-wipe"-slip appearing asking me whether to clear the internal

So, luckily I had backuped the internal store to a flash card before, what a
coincidence! I restored it immediately.
Something rather strange stroke me again: Why was the heap memory at 100KB
not at 350KB as it used to be????
I opened the Memory Info slip and couldn't believe it: My 717260 Firmware
vanished to 717006. This was the original version of the 2.1 ROM that was
shipped with the MP2000, which obviously did not support the memory
extension the MP2100 introduced. As a matter of fact it didn't recognize the
the additional memory in my upgraded MP2000.

So now I guess the only thing left for me to do is to reinstall 717260...
What a strange day...

Did anyone else happen to have had this problem too?

Kind Regards,
Andre Beckedorf

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