Re: [NTLK] Whining 2100 backlight

From: Ed Kummel (
Date: Mon Sep 09 2002 - 21:00:40 PDT

There was talk, once upon a time...about redesigning
the lighting system to use a lower-voltage system (I
suspect something like a side-lit LED kind of thing)or
encasing the noisy transformer in epoxy.
I say, just keep an eye on those dylithium crystals
and be prepared to jettison the warp core if there
happens to be a breach. As long as your hysenberg
compensators are properly calibrated, you shouldn't
have a problem.
Ed (engage, number one)
web/gadget guru
come and see my Newt on the web (well, mostly) at:

--- Miro <> wrote:
> On Monday, September 9, 2002, at 10:27 PM, Ed Kummel
> wrote:
> > Yes!
> > Drop it!
> > Don't touch it!
> > Better yet, send it to me for proper disposal! It
> > isn't safe (for potential dangers, see Steel Rat's
> > taglines on the "Magic Fun Ball")
> If it gets really, really cheezy, I'll remember you,
> first :-)
> >
> > No...really, the whining is normal. The high
> frequency
> > transformer is probably wedged hard against some
> > reverberating plastic and amplifying the sound.
> Any cure for that ?! Should I take the MP apart
> again, and try
> to reposition something ?! Some wires ??? Some
> leftover scews ? ;-)
> >
> > As for the contrast? Adjust to where you think is
> > normal, then double-tap on the word "contrast" and
> > that resets the default center.
> That worked :-) Thanks a lot !
> Best, Miro

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