Re: [NTLK] Well, here's one iCal bit that we can do easily...

From: Heiko Cultus (
Date: Fri Sep 13 2002 - 06:24:03 PDT

IIRC it is the vCalendar Standard, normally called ".vcs". If you have Backtalk
installed, you have allready a converter for vCards and vCalendar on your
Newton. Furthermore Backtalk uses the OBEX Protocol and SyncML will support this
Protocol too. Maybe we should ask Robert Ellison (Programmer of Backtalk) if he
has some time :)


Sean Luke wrote:
> Apple's got a standardized format called "ics" for calendars. They
> also have an automagical update mechanism for calendars via some
> protocol called "webcal". But replacing "webcal://..." with
> "http://..." results in a valid URL. :-) So I think we can trivially
> make a NewtsCape API app which will download Apple .ics calendar files
> and dump them into Dates.
> An example calendar file. As you can see, a piece of cake to parse.
> A list of current Apple-provided calendars

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