[NTLK] NCU -> Installation Problems...

From: [bri cors] (bri_at_nerdtech.com)
Date: Fri Sep 13 2002 - 11:05:24 PDT

Greetings, all!

I am trying to install Newton Connection Utilities on my iBook running OS
X 10.2 and OS 9.2.2 in Classic. When I try to install it [either in
Classic within OS X 10.2, or booted up in 9.2.2] - the installer just
chugs and chugs and chugs forever, and nothing seems to be getting done...

Any ideas? This is using the installer from UNNA...

I was able to install it just fine on another machine running 9.2.2, and
it works great. Hrm. Just wondering if others had this problem at


 bri.cors bri_at_nerdtech.com

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