From: Gregory J. Wayman (
Date: Sat Sep 14 2002 - 11:24:38 PDT
Thank you, Thank you! Robert, You are absolutly right! I found some kind of
_email entry with "Forget it" and that did the trick.
The bad thing about Eudora's scheme is that lets say you have an email in the
picker that says and you change yor ISP to the
picker will send the email to the first address, even if you select "other
address" because Robert Benschop (E-mail) is in the picker...... So thanks for
helping me rectify this.
Robert Benschop wrote:
> on 14-09-2002 5:26, Gregory J. Wayman at wrote:
> > Thanks Robert! I have that and I tried it, but "Forget it" only sees what
> > it was told to look for I guess.
> ForgetIt will show up a list with arcane programmer looking entries but
> which actually tend to make sense when you read them, carefully.
> The listing concerning your email client might read something like
> proto_email_ref.chk (this is from memory, so not a exact example) once you
> delete this entry you should have an empty email pop-up list.
> Robert Benschop
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