From: Rich Lindsay (
Date: Wed Sep 18 2002 - 15:31:43 PDT
Reply follows quote:
On Wednesday, September 18, 2002, at 08:47 AM, peter brigg wrote:
> Mr. Lindsay,
> If it seems correct to you then you are a part of the problem that
> it is meant to satirize. America's inward looking nature is a world
> problem of major proportions at this moment in history when the American
> Empire is at its height.
> pb
Dear Mr Brigg,
Here is the entire message that I sent. (Including quote)
NAH it shows
Seems correct to me
On Tuesday, September 17, 2002, at 11:41 AM, Richard Lowrey wrote:
>I am sure this goes a long way to fostering Canadian and >American
relations. With the amount of American customers you >have, don't you
think it would have been better to chuckle at >this in private?
If you note this was tongue in cheek, this the smiley used to reinforce
the idea it was humor. I regret that you missed it.
You need to lighten up. I also am kinda...nah really pissed that you
started to defame me publicly as "part of the ugly american problem .
blah blah blah"
You sir are Mistaken. I have no problem with any friends to the south. I
YOU DO NOT KNOW ME !!. But you seem to feel qualified to post such a
broad accusation against me? Who the heck are you to judge me?
The following has nothing to do with race, gender, national origin,
marital status:
Mr. Briggs I have no need for you. I hold you in low esteem. Please
dont reply to me or this. You said your piece and did what you could to
smear my name. I said my piece. End of conversation.
Mr Lindsay
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