[NTLK] Er... well... (was: Canadians)

From: Frank Gruendel (fg2_at_pda-soft.de)
Date: Fri Sep 20 2002 - 16:43:09 PDT

... I know I should stay out of this...

But it's one of those nights...

I wonder if we all wouldn't be better off if we at least
tried to
resolve things like that in a somewhat different way. In a
that would prevent driving people off this list. After all,
we might
need just everybody here eventually, don't we?

I also would like to point out with all due respect that
about the
best friend I had for the last couple of decades is a guy
whom I met
when he threatened to beat me up big time. Which admittedly
the best base to start a wonderful friendship. And still
it's possible.

Sorry, Rich. I'm aware that you wanted this thread closed.
This is not
targeted at you, but at all who started and participated in
this thread.
Somehow it reminded me of how most kids around me tried to
conflicts when we were in kindergarten.

As I said, it's not my fault. It's just one of those


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