[NTLK] Re - emate batteries

From: Frank Gruendel (fg2_at_pda-soft.de)
Date: Sun Sep 22 2002 - 16:20:12 PDT

>Hi, I use a newton 2100 and just came into a emate 300. Can
anyone tell me
>about the batteries? I charged it with my newton charger,
but they are some
>sort of internal batteries right?


see the hardware section of the site in the signature for a
detailed description
of the emate battery pack. It will tell you where it is, how
to get at it and how
to refurbish it.
Battery life strongly depends on how the emate is used. If
you don't use a modem
and use backlight no more than 10 percent of the time, Apple
claims a battery
life of 16-20 hours.


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